Thursday, June 21, 2007

Looking for guidance?

In these troubling end days people everywhere are looking for guidance to their problems and help with their personal issues. Everyone has questions and everyone has difficulties keeping their faith. These are difficult times for you common and ordinary people. This makes the CyberSpaceKing©'s job more challenging and the need for the CyberSpaceKing© even more pronounced. With all the experts spouting opinons and trying to tell people how to run their lives, my followers have their loyalty tested on a daily basis. Iv'e said it before and I'll say it again, these are troubling times. There are many charlatans out there who claim to have the answers. There are those among you who aspire to one day achieve the lofty heights of the CyberSpaceKing©. Never give up the dream but remember to worship the CyberSpaceKing© and pay tribute by sending cash.

Friday, June 15, 2007

CyberSpaceKing© edicts.

The CyberSpaceKing© is always being worshiped by his loyal followers and sometimes the constant attention can be quite a challenge. Being a diety is a tremendous responsibility what with all the adoring fans, the requests for salvation and the constant whinning of those in pain seeking comfort. Those who would worship the CyberSpaceKing© must learn to have lower expectations of my devine powers and they should be grateful that I pay any attention at all to their insignifigant existence. Additionaly followers should never ask the CyberSpaceKing© to provide them with evidence of his godly powers the CyberSpaceKing© will decide when and where to display his awesome power and it is not wise to waste it on mere mortals.