We are constantly working on new ways to help loyal followers to worship the CyberSpaceKing and pay tribute by sending cash. We have a paypal option available at the CyberSpaceKing.com website we always accept cash in the mail, we even have self addressed stamped envelopes available here.
We work hard to earn our followers adoration. Lots of religions just don't offer this kind of value. Worshipping the CyberSpaceKing© means you get to worship a real living deity and not some intangible one. As an added bonus the CyberSpaceKing© has never asked any of his followers to commit suicide or other egregious acts. In fact the CyberSpaceKing© never asks you to do much at all except to pay tribute by sending cash. No difficult text to learn, no complicated rituals to memorize, no special rules to live by, all you have to do is worship the CyberSpaceKing© and pay tribute by sending cash.
Nothing could be easier or more satisfying than sending cash to the CyberSpaceKing today.
What are you waiting for? 2012?