Those of you who passed the test (you know who you are) shall be rewarded with extended time and extra privileges in website heaven.
The CyberSpaceKing is always testing the loyalty of his followers to determine who amongst you is the most deserving of my special attentions.
A loyal follower asked me just the other day…
”CyberSpaceKing are there any other religions you recommend I consider before worshiping the CyberSpaceKing?”
I answered as I always do …
Loyal follower your particular religious choice is a personal matter, the CyberSpaceKing is not concerned with other “lesser religions”
(ie: any religion not dedicated to worshiping the CyberSpaceking).
The CyberSpaceking is too confident and feels completely unthreatened by those other religious groups, sure they might have thousands of years of tradition and millions of followers but that is their greatest weakness and the beauty and simplicity of worshiping the CyberSpaceKing. No longer will you need to memorize ancient texts or learn difficult rituals. With my great new religion, you take the drivers seat, you decide how seriously devoted you need to be, you decide how often to pray, you decide what kind of rules you should live by.
All you ever need to do is pay tribute by sending cash and continue to worship the CyberSpaceKing.

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