Scott Stevens seems like one of those people that just loves his job.
His station manager of eight years at Channel 6 in Idaho described him as "energetic, easy-going and enthusiastic about the weather". I first stumbled upon Scotts website www.weatherwars.info when looking for answers as too what the hell the airplanes were spraying in the sky. Scott seemed to have the most logical and credible explanation. As I have been reading his website for the last couple of years I have been impressed with the quantity of data and pictures he has collected.
Here's a guy in england who films chemtrails and puts them on YouTube.
Here's someone in France filming this activity.
These are from Vancouver.
I'm just relieved to know it's not just me that is seeing these trails and going hmmmm...
Another reason, in these times of uncertainty to embrace the CyberSpaceKing as the self proclaimed savior and ruler of the internet.
You will start to feel better as soon as you send cash to the CyberSpaceKing.

Oh and here's something (about stupidity) everybody should watch this.
These people aren't stupid they are just confused, another illustration of how much better a place the world would be with all the religion consolidated in the worship of the CyberSpaceKing.
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