Why not join the countless others who have given up their old, expensive, complicated, confusing and difficult to practice religions to worship the CyberSpaceKing©? It’s fun, it’s safe, it’s easy and it’s inexpensive.
Worship has always been a very personal matter, but somehow religious figures through-out history always seem to be able to place a monetary value on your worship.
When you worship the CyberSpaceKing©, the only requirement is that you pay tribute, the CyberSpaceKing© will never specify how much you need to pay. That’s up to you. You will never need to learn or interpret difficult text, there will be no complicated rituals to memorize, no special rules to live by, all you have to do is worship the CyberSpaceKing© and pay tribute by sending cash, it’s easy.
By worshiping the CyberSpaceKing© you and others like you make the world a better place. Consider worshiping the CyberSpaceKing© as the first logical step in consolidating the worlds religions this will make the world safer and religion in general less complicated and difficult to follow. This will result in less conflict, less blood shed and less wasted resources.
Save your money, save your time, save your sanity…
Worship the CyberSpaceKing© today.
Pay tribute by sending cash.